


Currently Beatentrack offers 3 rehearsal rooms which can be booked online with various extras including guitar amps and cymbals.

However there are other music related services coming in the future

Current Services:

Rehearsal Studios

  • 3 Rehearsal Rooms
  • Online Booking
  • Parking
  • Toilets
  • Internet Access*
  • Smoking Area/Tea Room*

* (work in progress)

Work in Progress

Innovative concept to make it easier and cheaper for artists to create their own content from their rehearsals.

This helps promote them, showcase them to local venues who might hire them.

More info in this page

  • PA & Backline Hire
  • Drum Hire
  • Guitar Amp and Bass Amp Hire

We might be able to help you as we have some spare equipment and might be able to work a deal out.

Guitar Repairs

Our in house technician will be able to help you fix, service or modify your guitar.

If you are in an emergency and need help please contact Andy Stock on Whatssap here:

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